An innovative sludge removing system for intensive aquaculture ponds

As the demand for food around the world increases exponentially with population growth, intensive agriculture offers the advantage of high crop productivity with the ability to meet food market demand. It also requires less land, contributing significantly to economies of scale in meeting the ever-increasing demands of the food supply. As a result, institutions and agricultural research institutes have established specific rules and regulations regarding the use of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, and herbicides, and even established clear policies regarding the raising and management of livestock. This ensures regulated agriculture that yields healthy, safe, and affordable produce. Intensive agriculture has been harshly criticized for being cruel to animals. Living conditions and hygiene for animals are usually poor due to the use of various chemicals, growth hormones, and excessive crowding in confined spaces. Keeping livestock beyond the rearing capacity leads to contamination and unsanitary conditions, leading to infectious diseases and various diseases. As mentioned earlier, intensive agriculture involves the use of various types of pesticides such as chemical pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and acaricides. When these chemicals are used, they not only destroy their intended targets such as pests, weeds, and parasites but also contaminate food. Also kills insects. Workers and nearby people are equally affected by the chemical spray, and those who consume the food indirectly absorb the chemicals. Environmental research and reporting show that intensive agriculture affects and damages the environment in myriad ways. Deforestation, slush and fire techniques, and clearing forest lands to make way for agriculture have resulted in massive deforestation and soil erosion. As a result, destructive practices lead to habitat loss. As it continues to contribute, natural habitats and wildlife are severely impacted. The use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides pollutes aquatic soils, wildlife habitats, and bodies of water such as seas, rivers, and lakes. Fertilizer nutrients, in particular, are the main cause of eutrophication in most of the world's water bodies, such as seas, lakes, and rivers. Vegetables and fruits come from areas with intensive farming and are full of invisible pesticides. The challenge is that pesticides cannot be washed off easily. Humans indirectly absorb chemical pesticides because fruits and vegetables look clean after a simple wash. The use of pesticides affects human health with health risks such as physical deformities, skin allergies, and congenital diseases. For example, her ADHD as a child is related to the consumption of pesticides found in produce. Public health publications and cancer statistics show a direct relationship between the consumption of intensively grown foods and increased numbers of cancer victims. The increase in congenital malformations has been attributed to food consumption by intensive agriculture. Public health researchers say the rise in children with birth defects and cancer is likely due to their consumption of mineral fruits, meats, vegetables, and poultry. Most of the foods used in intensive farming systems, especially vegetables, fruits, poultry and livestock, are packed with growth hormones. You can see that there is Most of them are injected with growth hormones and other chemicals to increase production.
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